Live in care

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Live-in Care at Home
Looking for an alternative to care homes for a loved one? Then have you considered hiring a live-in carer? Download your FREE live in care brochure here and discover why so many families are now choosing live in care as their preferred care option.
Living with a Brain Injury?
Then live the life you want with a live in carer like Janet who is living with a brain injury
Latest News | Care in the Home News | Novus Care
We love hearing how our carers make a difference. Here, Vicky one of our Senior Carers shares a heart warming story about how a day out at the seaside put a smile on her client Olive's face...🫶🥰
How to Keep Elderly Loved Ones Cool This Summer | Novus Care
10 tips to help keep your elderly loved ones cool during the hot weather
Multiple Sclerosis Home Care | MS Care at Home | Novus Care
Our specialist MS carers provide the right care and support for those living with multiple sclerosis in the comfort of your own home. Contact us today
John's live-in care story
"I don't want to go into a care home!" Do those words sound familiar? Discover how we kept John at home with a private live in carer.
4 Things to Look for in a Home Care Provider - Novus Care
There are many home care companies servicing your local area, so how do you know which one to choose? Before making any decisions about yours, or a relative’s care, you should gather as much information as possible and make sure your expectations of quality and service are met.
4 Things to Look for in a Home Care Provider - Novus Care
There are probably many home care agencies servicing your local area, so how do you know which one to choose? Before making any decisions about yours, or a relative’s care, you should gather as much information as possible and make sure your expectations of quality and service are met. Here are 4 things to look for...
Top Exercises for the Older Generation | Novus Care
Discover the exercises you need to do to keep yourself fit and healthy
Winter tips to keep our elderly warm
Winter Top tips on how to keep our elderly warm and safe in their own homes this winter.
FREE brochure
Are you looking for an alternative to care homes? Then hiring a live in carer. may be the answer. Download your FREE brochure to discover how a live in carer can help