
39 Pins
Alvéolos pulmonares
Nesta bela imagem ampliada podemos ver a ação das trocas gasosas ocorrendo no pulmão durante os movimentos alveolares. Observamos, inclusive, a presença dos capilares carregadores de (...) repost #alveolospulmonares #alveolospulmonaresanatomia #anatomiahumana #fisiologiahumana #biologia #trocasgasosas #biomedicina #analisesclínicas #enfermagem
This may contain: an image of the human body with organs highlighted in it's chest and ribs
😲 Mechanics of Breathing using Augmented Reality 😱
This may contain: an image of the human body with blood vessels
CPR Technique
Types of Pneumothorax stock vector. Illustration of health - 133786283