Infographics for Students

14 ways to get yourself working when you don't feel like it.
14 ways to get yourself working when you don't feel like it. Get students to choose the one most/least likely to work for them.
Here's a nice sketchplantion of Hanlon's Razor.
Hanlon's Razor Here's a nice sketchplantion of Hanlon's Razor. Great to generate discussion about how this can be applied in everyday life.
The Village Venus Effect
The Village Venus Effect Nice infographic and explanation of - The Village Venus Effect
Magical potions from literature. Get sts to decide which they would most/least like to drink.
Muddy puddles, leaky ceilings
Muddy puddles, leaky ceilings A nice sketchplanation of a metaphor for understanding different types of problems
7 ways to get more creative ideas
Pigeons - Love them or hate them? Does this change your opinion? - Great reading for students
14 ways to get yourself working when you don't feel like it. Get students to choose the one most/least likely to work for them.
Grow your own medicine cabinet - An interesting infographic about the healing properties of plants
Nice infographic about the advantages of physical books. Get students to do a similar one on the advantages of digital books