A Cornish Betrothal. Nicola Pryce.

Pins to illustrate A Cornish Betrothal. Snow-covered Bodmin Moor, tombstones, quack medicines and herbal remedies. You may recognise the National Trust house Trerice in Cornwall - the inspiration behind the ancient manor house of Pendrissick. #ACornishBetrothal #historicalfiction #nicolapryceauthor #atlanticbooks
66 Pins
Nicola Pryce-author on Instagram: “Spent a great day researching Plymouth Dock in 1790’s These are the harbour steps in Mutton Cove, Devonport. The cove led up to the busy…”
Nicola Pryce-author on Instagram: “Richmond Walk - finished in 1790 to link the busy port of Plymouth Dock with Stonehouse. #mountwise #plymouthdock #devon #plymouth…”
The Experienced English HouseKeeper, for the Use and Ease of Ladies, HouseKeepers, Cooks, &c. Written purely from Practice. Dedicated to the Hon. Lady Elizabeth Warburton, whom the Author lately served as HouseKeeper. by RAFFALD, Elizabeth - 1805
A Cornish Betrothal by Nicola Pryce.
Cornwall, 1798. Eighteen months have passed since Midshipman Edmund Melville was declared missing, presumed dead, and Amelia Carew has mended her heart and fallen in love with a young physician, Luke Bohenna. But, on her twenty-fifth birthday, Amelia suddenly receives a letter from Edmund announcing his imminent return. In a state of shock, devastated that she now loves Luke so passionately, she is torn between the two. #histoicalfiction
Historical Fiction set in Cornwall 1793-1800.
My books are set in 1793-1800 among the shipbuilders and merchants on the south coast of Cornwall. Britain is at war and Cornwall must look to her defenses. Navy ships await orders in Falmouth, the wheat fields lay in ruin, people are starving, and corn riots seem inevitable. China clay has been discovered and a new harbour is required. With the threat of invasion, volunteer forces need to be mustered and a constant watch kept for French spies. #historicalfiction #acornishbetrothal #cornishsaga
Entertaining Visitors in an English Country House, such as Downton Abbey: PBS Masterpiece Classic
Trerice House in the snow. The inspiration behind the setting in A Cornish Betrothal.