Amazing Nature

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“He placed me in a little cage, Away from gardens fair; But I must sing the sweetest songs Because He placed me there. Not beat my wings against the cage If it’s my Maker’s will, But raise my voice to heaven’s gate And sing the louder still!” 
Quilt Bag tutorial.
Quilt bag, dress with applique flower another view Quilt bag! Pattern. DIY tutorial. Сумка в стиле пэчворк-квилт. Этапы шитья в фото.
Alaska. It's amazing when they are so close you feel like you could reach out and touch them. I will never forget it.
Fire rainbow - a halo caused by the refraction of light through ice crystals in cirrus clouds
cirro-cumulo stratus clouds | ... by the refraction of light through ice crystals in cirrus clouds