Prehistoric Art

198 Pins
Stone Age, Rocks & Caves - History in Communication - Citrinitas
Africa's ancient rock art: Can it be saved from destruction?
Chinese Horse, Lascaux, France – Neolithic Studies
Pech-Merle Cave and Museum: The Neolithic Mother-Goddess (the Universal Progenitor) dates from about 3150BC and was discovered in the town of Capdenac-le-Haut
The cave paintings at Tassili-n-Ajjer
Jarlshof: The Most Amazing Historical Site I've Ever Seen - Migrating Miss
Jarlshof Shetland Pict Historical Site ...... maybe we can add this into the itinerary...
Salle Piette
la DAME de BRASSEMPOUY- salle PIETTE au M.A.N. - Saint-Germain-en-Laye
Chauvet Cave Paintings in France -- Discovered in 1994, most of the artwork in the cave dates to 30,000 to 32,000 years ago.
Kimberley Rock Art – Volume Three: Rivers and Ranges | Wildrocks Publications
Çatalhöyük, Mother-Goddess figurine, Baked clay, level II.. Belma Kulaçoğlu (Erdinç Bakla archive)