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How to Crochet the Continuous Join As You Go (CJAYG) Method | Granny Square Joining | How to Join
How to Crochet the Continuous Join As You Go (CJAYG) Method | Granny Square Joining | How to Join - YouTube
Crochet Vintage Hexagon & How to Join As You Go | pattern | Learn how to Crochet this gorgeous Vintage Hexagon Motif from Madebyanita | By Hooked by Robin | Today I'm going to be showing you how to crochet this vintage hexie motif and how to join as you go. This vintage hexie motif was designed by Anita over at Now on Anita's website you will find the written pattern for this entire blanket. Today I'm only showing you the motif and the join and in my next video I will show you how to crochet the half hexagons for nice straight sides. Now the written pattern for this blanket is on Anita's website which I have linked to in the description box below this video. One thing to bear in mind is that Anita's written pattern is written in UK terminology. She does have the USA conversion written on her site but just note, in this video I speak American USA stitch terms. So where on her website if you're following the written pattern it will say "treble" I will be saying "double" crochet. I'd like to take a moment to thank Anita for very kindly letting me film this beautiful motif and I hope that you pop on over to her website to show your support there by grabbing her written pattern and just having a nose around. She has got some fantastic crochet patterns on her website. Alright without any further ado let's leap straight on in to the tutorial! To begin pop a slipknot onto your hook. Then chain three. Now place a slip stitch into that very first chain you made to form a ring. Chain three which counts as your first double crochet. And then we're going to work 11 more double crochets into this ring. Now the centre of it is pretty small and tight. Once you've worked a couple of stitches in it becomes more obvious but it's right in here. So I'm going to work eleven double crochets into this little tiny ring in the centre. Just take a moment to double check you have eleven double crochet. And then we're going to join with a slip stitch to that initial chain three. Now we're done with this pale pink initial colour. So chain one. Snip your yarn leaving a decent long end to weave in. Pull it up. Pull it tight. And then you can pull that little tail closed a little bit. And round one is complete. Now I advise weaving in your ends as you go for this little hexagon. So I'm just going to take a moment to do that before I move on to round two. For round two, round two is worked in two stages. For the first stage we're going to be using green yarn and then for the second half of this second round we're going to switch to cream. So working with the green first. We're going to attach our yarn in between any of your double crochets from the row below. So just straight in between them. So just pop your hook in there. Now you can join your yarn however you like to join your yarn. I like to pop a slipknot onto my hook. And then pull that loop to the front. And then I'm ready to begin my crocheting. So working with green, we're going to go ahead and chain three, which counts as your first double crochet stitch. Now work one more double crochet back into that same space in between the pink stitches from the round below. Chain two. Then skip two stitches (so one, two) and work into the space in between the second and the third and into the space in between those stitches we're going to work two double crochets so skip, skip and then in between work two more doubles. That's one, and that's two. So we're just pushing the stitches apart. You're not working into the top of them. Just work in between them. And we're going to continue this all the way round. Chain two. Skip two stitches and work two double crochets in between. Skip, skip, two double crochets. Chain two. Skip 2. Remember your chain three counts as a double crochet. So skip two and work two double crochets in between your stitches. You should have six sets of green double crochet stitches with chain two spaces in between. To end this first part of the round, chain two if you haven't already and slip stitch to the top of that initial chain three that you made. I'm just going to slip stitch in here and then fasten off the green. So I like to chain one, snip my yarn, and pull it tight. Now again you may want to weave in your ends as you go so I'm just going to very quickly just get this top of this green tail here which is sticking out the top. I'm just going to very quickly just run it down so it's hanging out of the back down here just so it's out of my way initially. Then I can come back and weave that one in properly once I've finished the second round. So now grab your cream yarn. We are still working on round two. For the second part of the second round, we're going to be working in cream and we're going to be working in between these skipped pink double crochets from the row below. So we're going to be working in between these. So I'm going to join my cream yarn in between any of these skipped pink stitches. And the easiest way to do this is to fold this green chain two out of the way. So I'm just folding it down and out of the way. Gonna pop my hook in between those two pink stitches. And then join my cream yarn. For me that's popping its slipknot onto my hook and pulling it through but you join your yarn however you prefer to join your yarn. Then chain three which counts as a double crochet. And work one more double crochet in between those two pink stitches. I'm still holding the chain two out of the way. Now you can flip the green back up. See my tail hanging underneath. Let me just pull that through. So you'll see the chain two is behind your work. Now slip stitch into the top of these two green double crochet stitches. Just a slip stitch. Work them quite loosely. You don't need to be too tight with them. So that's one, that's two. And then again I'm going to work two double crochet in between the pink skipped stitches from round one. And for me I find it easier to fold that green chain two out of the way to work those stitches. That's one. That's two. Then flip the green back up. And slip stitch under the top of the next two green double crochet stitches. Again fold down the green chain two and work two double crochet in between those two pink skip stitches from the row below. Flip the green back up and slip stitch under the next two green double crochet stitches. We're going to work this all the way round. Fold the green chain two out of the way. Work two double crochet in between the pink stitches. Flip the green back up. And slip stitch under the next two double crochets. The green ones. So once you've finished your last two slip stitches you will have six green sections and six cream sections of round 2 the back will look a little bit odd. Don't worry about that. We're going to cover all that up with round three. So to end round two, we're going to slip stitch in between your chain three and the first double crochet of the round. So slip stitch into that space right in there. And then for round three. Chain three. And work two double crochets into the same space. Now we're also going to work over the green chain two in this round. So just working over absolutely everything into that space. Two double crochets. That's one. And that's two. Now work in between your green stitches from the round below and work three double crochets in between them. Again working over absolutely everything. Three double crochet. And then in between the cream stitches work three double crochet. So you can see at the back we're working over absolutely everything and we're splitting the green and the cream stitches from round two. So keep working in this fashion. Three double crochets in between your green stitches followed by three double crochet in between your cream stitches. Once you reach the end of the row you should have 12 sets of three double crochet stitches worked in between the green and then the cream. The back will now be looking much more neat. You can see everything's nicely split and we've worked over all that additional green chain two. And to end this round we're going to slip stitch to the top of that initial chain three that you did. Fasten off your work. Now for me that is a chain one. And it is certainly worth taking a moment now to weave in all these ends before we move onto round four. Because the more ends we tackle as we go the less overwhelming it is when you have a larger piece. For round four, bring in your new colour. And we're going to attach this colour however you prefer to attach your colours in between any of these sets of three double crochets from round three. So in between any of them join your new colour. Then chain three. Which counts as your first double crochet. And back into that same space work two more double crochet stitches. One. And then two. Now skip three double crochets so we're only going to be working into the spaces in between these sets of three. Working into the next space. Work a corner. Now a corner is formed with three double crochet. One. Two, Three. Chain two and then three double crochets back into that exact same space. So another three double crochets. One, two Three. So that little combination of three double crochets, chain two, three double crochet, that is the one of your corners. Now working into the next space in between your sets of three double crochet from the round below. Going to work a side and a side is just three double crochets. So straight into that space. Three double crochet. One. Two. Three. And that forms your side of your hexagon. Now into the next space we're going to work another corner. And that is three double crochet, chain two, three double crochet. All into the same space. Then immediately into the next space in between your sets of three. We're always working in between the sets of three double crochets. We're going to work a side which is just three double crochet stitches. So we're going to repeat this little section all the way round. A corner which is three double crochet, chain two, three double crochet into the same space followed by a side which is just three double crochet. Corner, side, corner, side. Corner. I will meet you back here in just a moment when I have worked all the way around. So I am working on my last section here which I'm ending on a corner. Which is obviously the three double crochets. Chain two, three double crochet all into that same space. You should be ending on a corner as well. So you should have one, two, three, four, five, six corners with one, two, three, four, five, six little side sections. Now to end this fourth row we're going to slip stitch into the top of your chain three that you did right at the start and finish off. However you prefer to finish off your yarn. For me that is a chain one. So go ahead and weave in your ends and then we can move on to how you join them as you go. So to join your hexagons together You want to complete the first three rounds of your next hexagon because the joining happens on this fourth round this coloured round. And it's very simple. The only thing we're going to be doing is adding in a few slip stitches to attach to the one you've already made. So I'm just going to place my pink hexagon out of shot for a minute. And I'm going to attach my new yarn and I'm going to call this hexagon my my yellow hexagon. It's a very pale yellow. So I'm going to join my yarn for round four just as we did on the pink one in between any of those sets of three double crochet from round three and I'm going to chain three. That counts as my first double crochet stitch. Now work two more double crochets into that same space. So we're starting exactly the same way as we did for the pink hexagon. Now we're going to move into the next section in between your sets of three. And we're going to work a corner. But the corner is where we're going to start joining. So don't rush ahead and complete your corner. First of all work three double crochets into that space. So we're going to work the first half of the corner only. So that's my three double crochet. And then chain one. Now bring in the hexagon that you're going to be attaching to. And we're going to substitute out the second chain that you would make for this corner with a slip stitch. And we're going to slip stitch to the chain two space on the pink Hexagon. So insert your hook through the front of the pink one and form a slip stitch. Then go back into this yellow side here and finish off your corner with your three double crochet stitches. We're just working straight back into that same space. To finish off the corner. So that's three double crochet stitches. So you can see we've joined to this pink hexagon. Three double crochet chain one slip stitch then three more double crochet now we're going to be joining along this edge so before we move on to making another side we need to join so at this stage we're going to do exactly the same thing and in between your stitches your corner and your side on your pink hexagon pop a slip stitch so I'm just going straight into that space and I'm pulling the through from the back. Work a slip stitch. Now work your three double crochets for your side. This is back into the yellow hexagon. One two and three. And again slip stitch to join in between the side and the corner of your pink hexagon. So in here just going to pop my hook in. So I'm coming out the back. Grab that yarn and bring it through. Oops! Grab that yarn. Bring it through and form a slip stitch. So now we will be working a corner and again we want to join it but we're only going to work half the corner initially. So work three double crochets That's one. Two three. Then slip stitch into the corner chain two space of your pink hexagon. So we're just going to work a slip stitch to join it. Then chain one So you have slip stitch chain one. Through reverse of what we did on this side. And work three more double crochets back into that same space to finish your corner. So you can see we have now joined on the edge, straight edge and to finish this second yellow hexagon we're done joining so just complete it as you did on the pink one. Side corner. Side corner. All the way round and then finish off this yellow hexagon. And then I will show you how to join them where two sides and two corners meet. Now for joining your hexagons on two sides and where your corners meet in the middle. Again complete the first three rounds of your hexagon. Grab your new colour. And attach it however you prefer. Chain three and work two double crochets into that same space just as you have started your other round fours, the coloured rounds on your other hexagons. So first of all we're going to join along this yellow hexagon side here. So to do that we're going to repeat exactly how we joined the yellow to the pink. So we're going to start with half a corner. So work three double crochets into your next space. Then chain one. Now we're going to join to this yellow hexagon here. So pick up your yellow hexagon and on that chain to corner space work a slip stitch. Then complete the second half of your corner on this green square by just working three double crochets back into that same space. Now slip stitch in between the sets of three double crochet on your yellow hexagon. And then work three double crochets into the next space. So we're attaching exactly how we attached the yellow one to the pink one. Slip stitch again into the next space in between the stitches on the yellow hexagon. And now we are at the point where we have a corner and two corners meeting. So just as before work half your corner. But at this point we need to substitute out two chains rather than just one. So the first half of this corner will be three double crochets and then stop. So we've got one, two, three. Now instead of chaining two for your corner we're going to substitute both of those chains for slip stitches. So we're going to slip stitch into the chain two space of the yellow hexagon first. So we're just going to slip stitch to join. So now the green is fully joined to the yellow. And that slip stitch is substituted out for one of the chains of your corner. And then for the second chain of your corner. We're going to slip stitch into the pink hexagon. So just straight into that corner space. Work another slip stitch. So you can see your slip stitches look like chains. Return to your green hexagon and finish off your corner with three double crochet stitches. One. Two. Three. So you can see we have joined to the yellow and to the pink. Now we're going to attach down the pink side exactly as we did with the yellow and this green to yellow here. Where after the corner we're going to immediately work a slip stitch in between your sets of stitches on the pink one. Just pop in slip stitch in there. Work three double crochets into the next space on your green hexagon. That's one, two, three, slip stitch to the pink hexagon. So you can see we're joining to all of them. And then we're back to a corner. The final part on which we're going to join. So we work half the corner. So three double crochets in your green. And then we do the mirror image of what we did on this side. So we slip stitch first. So slip stitch into the pink Hexagon corner. Then chain one and finish your corner with three double crochet stitches. So you have fully joined. This is how you tackle any section where you have more than one hexagon to join to. So from this point you're done joining. Complete your hexagon. Finish it off. Finish off your round four. So I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and now you are confident on how to crochet Anita's vintage hexies and how to join them and in my next video I will show you how to crochet the half hexagon from Anita to make your edges of your blanket nice and straight. So until next time. Happy crocheting. Bye.
Crochet Vintage Hexagon & How to Join As You Go | Learn how to Crochet this gorgeous Vintage Hexagon Motif from Madebyanita | By Hooked by Robin
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