
31 Pins
Yes. Sometimes people think the things we do are just to get attention, but they're really a cry for help. Psychology, Attention Seekers, Faith In Humanity, Real Talk, Thought Provoking, Words Of Wisdom, Things To Think About
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Yes. Sometimes people think the things we do are just to get attention, but they're really a cry for help.
the text on this page reads, we are not sure if it is true or false
I remember thinking the friendship between me and my ex best friend was healthy and the most meaningful one we both had but after reading this, I guess it wasn't so great after all. Oh well... Humour, Relationship Tips, Cheating Husband, Your Girl, In A Relationship
I remember thinking the friendship between me and my ex best friend was healthy and the most meaningful one we both had but after reading this, I guess it wasn't so great after all. Oh well...