
Picture memes bQAiBSbe6 — iFunny
me: 'trying to separate the twelve Olympians into twelve distinct themes“ the ancient Greeks: so Ares is the God of War, but Athena." get this... is the Goddess of Strategic War – popular memes on the site
Picture memes 2XkfPkA47: 1 comment — iFunny
julianocasabranca: FUN STORY: my grandma lives in a city that was currently taken over by drug dealers and gangs and it’s now divided in two and my grandma is the oNLY CITIZEN IN THE WHOLE CITY who can go walking freely through both sides of the town because she used to do community work and feed the poor kids and those ga... #architecture #artcreative #fun #grandma #lives #city #currently #taken #drug #dealers #gangs #now #divided #two #only #citizen #in #the #whole #can #go #walking #pic
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that's how girls actually are fr*** and they talk about hating men until they actu like one and even then it's hard to admit