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So proud of you GZ! Goals, $ in the bank, football, and your Chevy Silverado! You have come far!! Don’t give up!! The love of your life knows it deep in her heart. If it’s meant to be it’ll be. If not God has a different plan.
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Positive Quotes : QUOTATION – Image : Quotes Of the day – Description Don't try to understand everything.. Sharing is Power – Don’t forget to share this quote !
EXACTLY!! YOU make your life, it isn't just handed to you!! You cannot blame anyone else but yourself for your unhappiness...
We are not our thoughts. You can choose which thoughts to put energy into and which thoughts to squash.
maybe we should get married asap baby you know ,makes me think how precious is our time,tell me what you think
Primitives by Kathy 19000 Classic Box Sign, 7 x 14-Inches, You are Loved
T T XX Primitives by Kathy Box Sign, You are Loved for the little girl you were, for the special woman you are, and the precious daughter you will always be
I love this beautiful letter about aging, love and the cycles of life. I have found it in many places online, but had a hard time tracking down the origins. Here it is is an easy Pinterest format. ;) Enjoy... and mom... Thank you for everything you did for me... I am humbled and forever grateful.: