Health & Wellness

When we think of healthy living, we naturally think about exercise and diet, but we rarely consider rest and relaxation.
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1. Relax. The first step is to relax your body and empty your mind. 2. Imagine. Imagine your intended outcome. Be crystal clear. 3. Feel & Believe. Feel like it already happened. Add the feelings, use all your 5 senses. Step 4. Surrender & Trust the Process. Remember the trick is to live as if you already have it, so what would you be saying, where would you be hanging out, who would you be speaking with and do this with no attachments because you believe you have it!
Visualisation means to imagine something vividly in your thoughts in your mind with the assistance of your own emotions based on your experiences or expectations. You visualise mental pictures of all that you want to be, to have and to attain in your life. It is very important to tell the Universe what you exactly want.
Your Stress, Anxiety and Emotional Wellbeing Online Coaching
If You Can’t Find A Way, Create One – If You Want To Do Something, Just Do It Anyway. Otherwise Two Things Will Happen, You’ll Find A Way Or You’ll Find An Excuse. #mindandflexclinic #mindandflexacademy #psychk #energypsychology
OUR FOUNDATIONAL PRINCIPLES FOR HEALTHY AND BALANCED HEART, MIND, BODY AND SOUL. #1 MEDITATION by @mindandflex . What will happen if you start meditating today? #mindandflexacademy #mindandflexclinic #mindandflexprinciples #energypsychology You will become more calm, more centered, more able, more heart-oriented,more focused and more healthy. For more educational information and videos, join our FREE Membership 🧠🕺💗🧘💪 ☑️
Enhance Your Mind, Body, Heart And Spirit
Here at Mind and Flex, we cannot think about starting our day without the meditation, it is essential part of our life, it is like oxygen! The more meditation we do, the more stable our life is:) #mindandflexacademy#mindandflexclinic#energypsychology#psychk#emotionalbalance#happy
Our Foundational Priniciples for Healthy and Balanced Mind, Body, Heart and Soul: Meditate , pray, and practice visualisation daily, Keep your heart & brain coherence, Manage your stress, Smile every day, Eat healthy, eat the seasons 🧠🕺💗🧘💪 #coherence #mindbody #immunesystem #manageyourstress #digitaldetox
Today, I added another Hanna Somatics Movement Exercise. Incredibly powerful for: Rounded shoulders, forward head posture, neck pain, shoulder pain, back pain, and shallow breathing. If you wish to try it on yourself and get a step-by-step instruction, log in or join our FREE Academy: Have a great day, Seb #mindandflexacademy #oxygen# #freegiveaway #hannasomatics #bodybuilding #workout #fit #muscle #tips #chronicpain #pain #relaxyourbodyandmind
Your Stress, Anxiety and Emotional Wellbeing Online Coaching
MASSETER MUSCLE OF MASTICATION AND CHEWING - If we define strength to mean the ability to exert the most pressure, then the strongest muscle in the human body is the masseter muscle. Of course, you probably call the masseter your jaw muscle. - In my practice, I see stressed people everyday. Modern life, heh... Yes, Masseter the strongest muscle in the human body is often extremely tight, and sometimes this occurs subconsciously.
LIPS TO LIPS -- Many people expressing their love with kisses the partner’s lips. The fact is, a kiss on lips can deepen the ties between the two lover who are romantic couple. Not only good for the continuity of the relationship, the benefits of lips kissing also could have an impact on your health a favor. partners enabling them to live longer than 5 years other couples who rarely or never do that. Kiss your way to good health! 💋 💋 #kiss #kisses💋 #healthy #healthylifestyle
Your Stress, Anxiety and Emotional Wellbeing Online Coaching
DARK BEDROOM. COOL BEDROOM. GADGET-FREE BEDROOM - Your bedroom should be a calming, comfortable haven—designated for sleep and sex only. The more clutter and distractions you're up against at night, the harder it will be to transition into sleep. Do you find this post helpful? Y or N Comment below 🔥💥👎
Your Stress, Anxiety and Emotional Wellbeing Online Coaching
LAUGHTER IS STRONG MEDICINE by @mindandflex - "Laughter activates the body’s natural relaxation response. It’s like internal jogging, providing a good massage to all internal organs while also toning abdominal muscles" -Dr. Gulshan Sethi The healthiest response to life is...Laughter? Do you agree? Comment below 🔥💥👎
12 TIPS FOR HEALTHY SLEEP. RELAX BEFORE BED. - Mental and physical stress can make it difficult to relax enough before bed to get a good night's rest. If you’re struggling to fall asleep, you could get a better night’s rest by listening to calm music while lying in bed at night and or reading some calming literature. - So, Don't overshedule your day so that no time is left for unwinding before bed. Do you like to read before bed? 🛌 😴 📘 -
Your Stress, Anxiety and Emotional Wellbeing Online Coaching
5 HABIT, I PRACTICE EVERY DAY by @mindandflex What is a habit? According to the dictionary, it is a settled or regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up. - This is a list of 5 practices, I do daily! - What are your daily routines/habits? Workout, gym, sex???
Your Stress, Anxiety and Emotional Wellbeing Online Coaching
ELECTRICITY IN THE BRAIN. WE ARE ELECTRICAL BEING. ⚡️by @mindandflex -- The cells that make up our bodies use electrical signals to send messages to each other. That’s why from the moment we’re born (even when we are sleeping) our brains are producing a small amount of ⚡️electricity. - The human body is amazing, isn't it? 😊😊💥💪
Your Stress, Anxiety and Emotional Wellbeing Online Coaching
A major drawback of eating large meals before going to bed is disrupted sleep. Once you eat, your metabolism fires up, which makes it difficult to fall asleep and sleep soundly. Also, lying down with a large amount of food in your stomach can be uncomfortable. A lack of sleep increases daytime fatigue, interferes with memory and concentration and increases hunger and your appetite. Don’t eat within two to three hours of your bedtime. #sleep#relax#sleep#relax#health#insomnia#yoga