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It's so important to use word variety!
😀 Once your child starts to say words, you want to help them build a vocabulary of many different kinds of words!⁣⁣🧐 Why?⁣By 2️⃣ years, we want to see your little one putting 2 words together (“Mama up!”). But to do this, they need to have many different types of words that can be combined!⁣
Ways to Follow Your Child's Lead
When it comes to encouraging language development, you may hear about “
Interpret what your child is trying to tell you!
🔅 Do your best to INTERPRET what your little one is trying to say! By saying the words for your child's message, you let them know you are listening and trying to understand them, and you are modeling the words for them! 🤗⁣
Less Questions, More Comments
To encourage more communication, try using fewer questions! Instead, make your question into a comment!
Easy way to increase communication!
When you are busy engaging your child with an activity they love (hello, bubbles!) . . . remember to PAUSE instead of continually providing the action/activity they love!⁣