
Basic poses and flows for daily practice
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boudoir poses. I have been looking everywhere for this! - Click image to find more weddings posts
YOGA SEQUENCE TO SIDE CROW: This pose requires lots of twisting so best to do this BEFORE you eat. (Should try not to eat 2 hours before practice) Do 5 Sun B's to warm up 1. CHILDS POSE Do with knees together. It will help open your hips which you need in side crow & mimic the compression you need between the belly & thighs for later 2. KNEELING TWIST Picture is fairly self explanatory, emphasize on exhaling to twist deeper & really seriously go for it 3. TWISTED DOWN DOG From down dog bring ...
Yoga poses to balance your 7 chakras. Each of the 7 chakras in our body are different energy centers that are responsible for different things. When balanced they help lead us to optimal health and wellness. When imbalanced these corresponding yoga poses can be used to help restore balance to the imbalanced chakra. Click the image to learn more and re-pin to share with your loved ones!
8 Challenging Yoga Poses For Core Strength
Yoga poses that emphasize core strength. Try them out one at a time, holding each for 30 seconds. Go through the entire sequence twice; for moves that are one-sided, do one side the first time through and the other side the second time through.
How to Read Your Auras and What Their Colors Reveal About Your Life
Understanding our auras can tell us a lot about our life. Here are several main aura colors along with an explanation of what the colors represent: