Someone special

79 Pins
I can't imagine not being with you! I wanna be together for a long time! You're the girl of my dreams and you mean everything to me! I wanna be with you through thick and thin! I want us to last like it says!!!! I know we fight sometimes and I might be a little annoying sometimes. But in the end we always find a way to forgive each other! You are my world and don't you ever forget that! #Hacked
The Greatest Relationships - I Love My LSI
PJ ❤️
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Awesome Quote | I could have avoided you, but somehow, I knew you were a collision woth having. | From LevitaG OO - Google+
Tattoo Hottie, Author at buzznet
27- If you love someone, tell him or her. Forget about the rules or the fear of looking ridiculous. What is truly ridiculous is passing up on an opportunity to tell someone that your heart is invested in him or her.
Life Quotes– Curiano Life Quotes
Curiano Quotes Life - Quote, Love Quotes, Life Quotes, Live Life Quote, and Letting Go Quotes.
We Heart It
Bless this post. I get so tired of seeing girls post annoying ass things about guys spoiling them, calling them princess, texting them in the middle of the night. That shit is not cute. It's extra.
I'm Not Perfect - I Love My LSI
I’m not perfect. I’ll annoy you, tease you, say stupid things, but you’ll never find anyone who loves you as much as I do. #love #quotes #relationships
When women love they love hard. Women jump in with two feet. Men jump in & jump out to think is this really what we want. If you find a women as you read in this description of a girlfriend. Keep her. Love her & don't let her go. Why? Because you have her heart for one. Two she seems cool as hell. Don't throw away a good thing. Girls as well. Good love is hard to find. You find it hold onto it tight♥ #loveyourself #happiness #forever #relationship #counselor #live #love #girl #guy #preach #Bar…