
Absolutely delicious
160 Pins
Chocolate Leaves in 30 Seconds
One of the best tricks that I learned during my day as a chocolatier at Kakao Chocolate was how to make these chocolate leaves in just thirty seconds. Start...
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Add a continental touch to your dessert table with a candy filigree creation brimming with fresh fruit. Filigree shell is made with Mini Ball Pan and base with made with Peanut Butter Cups Mold and Circle Cookie Cutter. All formed with Light Cocoa Candy Melts?. Fill with the freshest fruit of the season.
483 mentions J’aime, 5 commentaires – Анна (@mashinskaya_ann) sur Instagram : « Шоколадные цветы захватили инстаграм, эти небольшие и милые, но есть у меня и повнушительнее скоро… »
1,097 mentions J’aime, 7 commentaires – Gianluca Fusto (@gianlucafusto) sur Instagram : « Sogna sempre e vai oltre all apparenza! @lonati_fotografia #gianlucafustostyle #fustomilano… »
Diabetes never looked this good. The pastry chef uses gelatin to make the glaze look mirror-like. The best cake when the occasion calls for a special cake that's not boring. And You Can Do It Too: Here' s the
crunchy layer with hazelnuts, chocolate cake with cherry impregnated cherry confit mousse with cherries and bitter chocolate, creamy mousse with mascarpone.
Michel Willaume Caramella chocolate, coconut, mango orange, cake
Люблю тортики необычных цветов, пусть кому то не аппетитно, а мне очень даже)…
My favourite eclipse and chocolate flower... #chocolateflower#pastry