...the covers of books
919 Pins
Dying - Pelican book cover
Dying - Pelican book cover | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Ju Canon on Twitter
design by E. McKnight Kauffer @PenguinUKBooks via @CanonJulie
Common Sense about Smoking
Dr Charles Fletcher (1911 - 1995) Pioneer of antismoking campaigns and effective patient communication
They Shoot Horses, Don't They? by Horace McCoy
They Shoot Horses, Don't They? by Horace McCoy by The Woman in the Woods, via Flickr
Penguin no. 1667
Penguin no. 1667 by apenguinaweek, via Flickr
Murder in Pastiche
Murder in Pastiche by Dr R Charles. Cover design by Romek Marber. Published in Penguin Books 1962. (Danielle)
Penguin Handbook First edition piblsihed in 1962. Cover design by Bruce Robertson
The Penguin Car Handbook
The Penguin Car Handbook, 1960, cover design by Erwin Fabian. via Covers etc
Mid-Century Modern Graphic Design
Before ........ Mid-Century Modern Graphic Design I thought you might like this. Vintage design
Venereal Diseases - Pelican book cover
how did titles stop being so specific and turn into the ambiguous inventions we have today?