
33 Pins
Hanil Visitors Center and Guest House by BCHO | Dezeen
Cement Visitors Center - BCHO. Using recycled concrete in an inventive way to prove it can be exciting and stop people believing it can be more than a flat plain wall.
Ambiguous chairs - a surprice encounter with concrete
fabric formed concrete chair - striped fabric closeup
Digital Representation of Cincinnati Transportation and Population Density | Independent Study
Pratt Students Raise an AAC Wall
Looking for new kind of curtain? Students at the Pratt institute in New York City have just the thing – flowing, parting #concrete fabric!
Gallery of Confluence Park / Lake|Flato Architects + Matsys Design - 2
Gallery of Confluence Park / Lake|Flato Architects - 2
Architecture and design videos | Dezeen
Fabric-cast concrete is the construction method of the future, say designers
Material Reduction: Efficient fabric-formed concrete
Project update May 2014 – Material Reduction: Efficient Fabric-Formed Concrete, Winnipeg, MB, Canada