Kids writing resources

43 Pins
FREE Figurative Language & Poetry Reading Word Wall or Flashcards
FREE Figurative Language & Poetry Word Wall Cards, Posters, or Flashcards. Perfect vocabulary supports for your students in figurative language and poetry activities!
Friday Art Feature - Comic Book Onomatopoeia
Students understand, make inferences and draw conclusions about the structure and elements of poetry and provide evidence from text to support their understanding. Students are expected to analyze how poets use sound effects (e.g., alliteration, internal rhyme, onomatopoeia, rhyme scheme) to reinforce meaning in poems.
New Year's Resolution Writing Frame
New Year's Resolution Writing Frame - Celebrate the new year with these lovely new year's resolution writing frames. Great for encouraging your children to think about their goals and aspirations.
Letter Writing Paper (Friendly Letter)
Free letter writing outline paper. Great for a friendly letter!
Spring Writing Prompts for First Grade - Planning Playtime
Spring Writing Prompts - Narrative Writing Organizer My Flight on a Magic Carpet
Writing - 50 things I love
FREE! This sheet can be used as a reference for kids to use when stuck for something to write about, a fast finisher activity, or a first week of school activity!