Textiles - A sense of place

295 Pins
Helen's wonderland of embroidery
Neckpiece | Helen Whitworth. Silk paper that she then dyed with batik combined with free standing embroidery elements
Flower Pounding TUTORIAL , Eco Dyeing Natural Textiles at milliande.com, Using Natrual Fibre and CLoth to release Flower Pigments into Cloth , Step by Step Tutorial with Iron Tannin Dye Bath
Alice Fox - Alice Fox
Alice Fox | Tide Line fragments - nails added to weaving then rusted
Lucky Pony - Page 6 of 445 - A Blog About Excellent Pretty Things
very beautiful embroidered drawings - Izziyana Suhaimi patterns on clothing
Mister Finch
From my exhibition at Anthropologie Kings road London.Open now until 4th January.www.mister-finch.com
Contour Fashion Portfolio - corset project, fashion design & development - fashion sketchbook, research, illustrations, fabric flower samples & final design // Sarah Elizabeth
Wax Paper Pressed Flowers - Tips and Pro Techniques - Home Heartcraft
Wax Paper Pressed Flowers. Gloucestershire Resource Centre http://www.grcltd.org/scrapstore/
Gail Crosman Moore JEWELRY. So pretty...and purple! http://www.gailcrosmanmoore.com/jewelry.htm
Gail Crosman Moore FELT jewelry, some more photos of her work