
client is suitable for a wide range of uses, from cafeterias, company restaurants, bistros and break-out areas to meeting, seminar and conferencing facilities. The design of client doesn’t impede wheelchair access making it ideal for use in the care sector. Client is also available as standing height table.
12 Pins
University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien
Founded in 1994 and became Vienna’s first university of applied sciences in 2000. It is the largest technical university of applied sciences in Austria and offers thirteen bachelor's degree and seventeen master's degree programs.
Austria Metall AG
The biggest company in the Austrian Aluminium industry sector.
Spreitzer Bau GmbH
Practically all trades can be found under one roof at Spreitzer Bau. From building work, ready-mixed concrete, hardware store to carpentry and roofing work
COPA-DATA is the only independent software manufacturer to combine in-depth experience in automation with the new possibilities of digital transformation – reliable, future-proof and operating worldwide.
A table is a table? Far from it!
Client is also available as standing height table.
The convertible
At least as regards the multiple quick-change abilities of the table range client. After all, a range of various configurations can be combined and numerous applications planned.
Tailor-made solutions for every purpose
The tables can be easily and safely linked to each other. And a cable box for power and data outlets provides for the appropriate electric cabling for any media equipment.
Adjustable glides
All tables can be stacked. Stacking protection will prevent damage to the table top.
Leg connection & fittings
Stable fittings for legs as well as lateral and cross linking devices.
client tables can be linked easily and firmly to form various configurations.
Client connects
client is a highly versatile, multi-functional table range with detachable legs for wide ranging applications. With such a vast choice of formats and versions, the tables can be specifically adapted to a given architecture and purpose.