Geiriau Mewn Print / The Printed Word

Welsh Newspapers
The Illustrated Usk Observer, 1855
Universal Viewer Examples
Yny Lhyvyr hwnn (In this book), 1546
Welsh Journals - Browse
Cylchgrawn Burgess Journal, 1879
Poster eisiau - William Richard am lladd Joseph Butler, 1868 / Wanted poster -William Richard wanted for murder of Joseph Butler, 1868
Welsh Newspapers
Tudalen flaen y copi cynharaf sydd yn bodoli o'r papur newydd Cymraeg Y Celt, 1878 / Front page of the earliest surviving copy of the Welsh newspaper Y Celt, 1878
Welsh Journals - Browse
Darlynudd - Cylchgrawn Cymraeg, 1877 / Darlynudd - A welsh Journal, 1877
Poster etholiad / election poster