Madonna.Her, not that one

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Beautiful Antique Victorian Ex-voto Our Lady Mary and Baby | Etsy
Beautiful Antique Victorian Ex-voto Our Lady Mary and Baby Jesus - Rare Vintage…
El Poderoso ha hecho cosas grades en mí
Madre amable de mi vida, auxilio de los cristianos
'The Heart of Christmastide' - Madonna and Child with Christmas Tree and Holly Spray. The virgin Mary and the baby… | Mary and jesus, Mother mary, Madonna and child
The Mother Of Christ by Father Vassall-Phillips Part 110.
The Mother Of Christ by Father Vassall-Phillips Part 160.
The truth of every vision depends ultimately upon the strength of the evidence, by which it is proved to be real and to have come from God. Still, I think that a Catholic would be rash indeed were he (with out the strongest reasons, could such be imagined to exist) to deny the reality of such visions, as those of our Lord to St. Juliana, and to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque (which resulted in the institution of the Feasts of Corpus Christi and the Sacred Heart), or of the Blessed Virgin at Lourdes—
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"The Blessed Virgin is like a good mother who, not content with looking after all her children in general, watches over each one separately.” -St. Jean Marie Vianney. "Never fear to ask for her help. She is never exasperated with our asking, though perhaps with our insistence on floundering as we struggle alone." Fr. Dismas Sayre, OP First Pin of 2015 Seems perfect.
Feed me a stray cat.
When I have my own home I will decorate an entire room with beautiful paintings of the Madonna and Child. This one is by Marianne Preindelsberger (1907)
Delcampe - La marketplace des collectionneurs
SANTINO HOLY CARD - MADONNA Con GESU' BAMBINO - Ediz. AR (Ambrosiana) Serie FIDES 44 - Sovraimposizioni In Oro *** - Images Religieuses
24 - SANTINO HOLY CARD Ecce Ancilla Domini Cilavegna 1971 • EUR 11,51
santino-holy card""ediz. FB serie S n.2039 ECCE ANCILLA DOMINI
one raindrop raises the sea
Pinturicchio - Madonna of Peace. Detail. 1490