Beautiful Illustration

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The rags vanished Cinderella stood dressed as beautifully as the richest lady in the land. Unusual Cinderella and Fairy Godmother Vintage Illustration
Barbara Bargiggia. This has a Grimms' "Cinderella"ish feel to it, maybe???
The Primrose Path
I'm not sure who drew this, but it reminded me of Rapunzel. "Enough with the stars, Rapunzel!!!"
Илларионова Надежда Владимировна Шарль Перро Мальчик с пальчик Ослиная шкура 097
Илларионова Надежда Владимировна Шарль Перро Мальчик с пальчик Ослиная шкура 097(n.illarionova's photostream)
Everything is Comics
Irish folklorist and dramatist Lady Augusta Gregory penned some of the most memorable and timeless retellings of tales from Irish mythology.
Stunning Illustrations for Irish Myths and Legends
Stunning Illustrations for Irish Myths and Legends