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Gnome crochet pattern. Set of 3 Gnomes. Amigurumi Gnome pattern. Plush Gnomes #crochetgnome #plushie
Christmas Gnomes set of 3 crochet patterns, Christmas home decor, easy crochet pattern, plush pattern, crochet decorative pillows, amigurumi These patterns are available in English (US terms). The height of the pillow is approximately 48-50 cm using specified materials. It depends on your tension of crocheting. #gnomes #crochetgnome #crochetpattern #amigurumi #crochet #amigurumipattern #plushpattern #plushiepattern #gnomepillow #plushgnome #christmaspilllow #crochetpillow #easycrochetpattern
Тётушка Чарли - knitting pattern of small toys
Тётушка Чарли - knitting pattern of small toys | #игрушки #ручная работа #блог #вязание #амигуруми #подарок #новый год
Sweet Pea Felts
Sweet Pea Felts | " I called the little pool a sea; The little hills were big to me; For I am very small" Robert Louis Stevenson
Knitting 129 2014 06 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Frog knitting pattern in stripy sweater Claire Garland - From Britain with Love
Frog knitting pattern & stripy sweater - From Britain with Love