Religious Icons

Mostly Catholic Iconography but inclusive of all religions and creeds.
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A painting of the miraculous icon of the Mother of Mercy, venerated in the chapel above the Gate of Dawn (Aušros Vartai) in Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania. The image is venerated worldwide by Lithuanian and Polish Catholics. In Poland it is known as the ‘Matki Boskiej Ostrobramskiej’, or Our Lady of Ostra Brama. The Russian Orthodox Church also acknowledges the image as miraculous.
Giotto (and Pacino) at the Getty | Los Angeles County Museum on Fire / William Poundstone | BLOUIN ARTINFO Blogs
Giotto (and Pacino) at the Getty “Florence and the Dawn of the Renaissance: Painting and Illumination, 1300-1350.” Pacino must have delighted in clever ways of mixing text and image, as in the Appeal of Prato to Robert of Anjou. Christ is literally the word made flesh. Pacino, "Christ Enthroned"
Dead Christ Lying in the Shroud by Giuseppe Sanmartino
Dead Christ Lying in the Shroud by Giuseppe Sanmartino THE MOST BEAUTIFUL WORK OF ART I HAVE EVER SEEN
Once I Was A Clever Boy
Artist rendition of the face on the Shroud of Turin. Province of Turin, Piemonte region itsly