P4C Stimuli and Resources

Useful links, resources, ideas as a stimulus for P4C.
11 Pins
Why Poverty?
WhyPoverty.net offers a series of films (some long) most short to explore poverty issues but in doing so wider global learning/ESD/SDG issues. A useful facilitators/education guide is also available for use with the films.
The Top 100 Documentaries We Can Use to Change the World
100 films promoting social action - could be used as stimuli for enquiry.
How is philosophy similar to plumbing? A useful insight to philosophy in 21st century and how to use with young people.
[VIDEO] The Epic Journey Of A Plastic Bag Will Change Your Perspective
A short film exploring the journey of a plastic bag. Useful stimulus for thinking and action around plastics in our own environment and daily use. Also as a P4C stimulus.