Compact Food Growing

Proven methods for growing all sorts of food in small spaces - even inside your home. Saves lots of effort compared to traditional gardening and keeps the bugs away too!
373 Pins
Portable Solar Powered Aquaponics Greenhouse Can Grow Food Year Round
Flatpack Urban Farm Grows 6.6 Tons of Food in 538 Sq Ft
This flatpack urban farm only takes up 538 square feet, but its creators say that it can yield as much as 6 tonnes (6.6 tons) of fresh produce per year.
Planting Perennials
Perennial Plants for Your Garden: Polyculture of Three Sister Plants - Corn, Pumpkin, and Beans
The Three Sisters is the ultimate in companion planting and helps increase harvests, naturally.
About - Earthbound Farm
All pumpkins are winter squashes, but not all winter squashes are pumpkins! No matter what you call them, in the fall many wonderful varieti...
9 incroyables façons de faire pousser les fraises!! À la verticale, en hauteur, en pot, etc...!
Vous aimeriez cultiver des fraises mais vous n'avez pas de terrain? Ça n'est pas une excuse!