Cakes and recipes

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Take a simple chocolate cake with chocolate buttercream and have a go at this Mini egg showstopper cake.
Lego Cake
LEGO cake. Shut up! this is so cute! I can see Benson LOVING this!! @Natalie Jost Jost Jost Kirkpatrick
LEGO Cake Ideas: How to Make a LEGO Birthday Cake
LEGO Cake Ideas: 15 Seriously Easy LEGO Birthday Cakes with Tutorials
15 Valentine's Day Crafts That'll Make Their Heart Swell With Joy
I need to remember this tip: Tissue paper ironed between 2 sheets of wax paper - nice wrapping for giving away baked goods
Martha Stewart Weddings
How to make edible bling for decorating cakes, cookies, cupcakes, etc.
Oreo Cupcakes - BEST EVER! Made them for Thanksgiving and they are already being requested for Christmas!
Cotton and Crumbs | Wedding Cakes
Loving the lace feature on this beautifully elegant creations - thank you Cotton & Crumbs x