
19 Pins
Acanthus balcanicus var. hungaricus (Hungarian Bear's Breech) Although some taxonomists have lumped Acanthus hungaricus into Acanthus balcanicus, we feel that there is a horticultural difference. Picture a tropical-looking, dark green, glossy, thick-leaf fern forming an 18" tall x 30" wide deer-resistant perennial and you've got an acanthus. Acanthus balcanicus v. hungaricus is topped in early spring with a 3' tall spike composed of purple, pink and white tricolor turtleheads...very unique! Pla
Acanthus mollis - Planting, growing and propagating information from iGarden
Acanthus. Take root cuttings in winter.
23 Gorgeous Tropical Plants to Fill Your Garden with Color
Bear's Breeches - Bear's breeches grows 3 to 4 feet tall, making it a good choice for the middle or back of a sunny flowerbed or border. It can spread rapidly, however, so give it room and be prepared to pull out unwanted plants each spring.
Acanthus mollis Tasmanian Angel
Tasmanian Angel Bear's Breech for sale buy Acanthus mollis 'Tasmanian Angel'
PEHME KARUSÕRG Acanthus mollis Püsik. 80(180) cm. Eelistab päikesepaistelist või poolvarjulist kuiva kuni parasniiske huumusmullaga kasvukohta. Lubjalembene.Kaitse talvise liigniiskuse ja kevadtalvise päikese eest. Talveks mullapinnani maha lõigata, juured katta.
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Acanthus mollis