Barbados Fertility Centre

Ultimate in care, relaxation and successful IVF! A centre of excellence for IVF in Barbados, offering low cost cutting edge treatment. With the gold seal of approval from JCI, patients are assured of world-class service and stringent patient safety procedures. They offer holistic therapy at their on site spa - The Life Wellness Centre, which offers massage, reflexology, acupuncture, nutritional advice and sessions with a trained counsellor on dealing with the emotion associated with IVF.
300 Pins
Massive congratulations to Issy and Llewelyn on the birth of their beautiful baby daughter! To see their trip details to BFC, please take a look at their patient journey here: #IVFvacation #SuccessfulIVF #BarBabyDos #BFCbabies
We are really looking forward to meeting hundreds of patients tomorrow at our fertility seminar in Trinidad! We have been overwhelmed by how many patients need our help and hope that they find the presentations from our Doctors informative and helpful on their journey. See those who have registered at 8am sharp. The seminar is now fully booked! #ivfsuccess #fertilityseminar #fertilityintrinidad
New Baby, New Blog - Momma on the Road
Country Music’s star couple Rose Falcon and Rodney Atkins are one of the few patients of ours who publicly announced that they visited us for successful IVF treatment. Rose has now started a Blog where she is discussing her Journey to Barbados for IVF treatment called ‘Momma on the Road’. Have a read of it here: #IVF #MommaontheRoad #CountryMusic #Barbados
We have just had some very special visitors! Jack and Kat Daniels came with baby Damian to visit us wearing one of their famous t-shirts! They also brought an AMAZING gift for the clinic which now hangs proudly in our reception. We love them very much and wish them the best of luck in their quest for a sibling for Damian. #IVF #IVFvacation #SuccessfulVF
We are in cycle at the moment and the clinic is full of excited patients going through the IVF process. We love when patients wear matching t-shirts on transfer day! Best of luck to all our wonderful patients! Let’s do this together. #WakeAndPray #TransferDay #IVFprocess #Barbados
HUGE birthday wishes to Cyrilene! 🎊🎊 We love her so much and her famous welcome to our patients starts them on the right path to success. If you are in the clinic today and you see her, please give her an extra big hug! #BirthdayGirl #WelcomeHug
A well written piece from the Trinidad Guardian about the conference we had in Trinidad. Worth a read! Please note, since going to press our clinic in Trinidad has moved to Sanjivani Women's Hospital, Lot 2, Wilson Street, St. Augustine, Trinidad. Our phone number remains the same 222 7772.
The team are finishing up at the ARSM 2018 conference and will be shortly making their way back to Barbados to a group of very excited patients. We look forward to getting them back! Keeping up to date with the latest advances in fertility treatment gives our patients the best chance of success. #TeamWork #ARSM2018 #IVFvacation
Endometriosis Webinar - Barbados Fertility Centre
It's Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Month and we have developed an excellent Immunology Programme for women who suffer with recurrent miscarriage. In this month's free presentation Dr. Juliet Skinner examines how we treat those patients so they have a healthy pregnancy. Please click on the link below to register to receive your copy. #pregnancylossawareness #pregnancyafterloss #wearehere
Due to continued high demand for quality fertility services in Trinidad, we are delighted to announce that we have moved our clinic to bigger premises and can now be found at Sanjivani Women's Hospital, Lot 2, Wilson Street, St. Augustine, Trinidad. We look forward to welcoming you! #ivfsuccess #fertilityintrinidad #alwayshope
October marks Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Month and here at the clinic we will be focusing on recurrent miscarriage and the treatment options to help. So many couples go through the heartache of miscarriage, you are not alone, we will investigate and have treated many couples successfully after recurrent miscarriage. #pregnancylossawareness #pregnancyafterloss #wearehere
We are celebrating a very special birthday today here in the clinic! Please join us in wishing our Clinic Director Anna Hosford a very Happy Birthday! Anna heads up our nursing team and leads by example displaying compassion and empathy with all of our patients. Her dedication is an inspiration to all of our team! Have a great day Anna! 🎂🎈🎁
We love getting updates from our wonderful patients about our BFC babies! “I wanted to send you all a picture of Skylar on her 2nd Birthday. It's been 2 years already!! We hope to visit soon so you and everyone can get cuddles from her. We appreciate you all so very much at BFC! Loads of love!” ❤️❤️ #IVF #IVFfamily #BirthdayGirl
“We took the babies home from the hospital on Wednesday. We would like to thank the staff at BFC for their help in bringing our dreams. Thank you guys for allowing God to work through you in creating our miracle babies. Deeantie, you were an awesome coordinator. Always willing to answer questions making the journey easier for us. Thank you for your compassion.” Welcome little ones! #IVF #IVFvacation #IVFabroad #BFCbabies