Survival Tips That Can Save Your Life When All Else Seems Lost
We are helpless without our gadgets. We start to panic when the battery on our phone is low or when there is no internet connection. But being in a dangerous situation all by yourself where every second counts requires quick action to be taken. #survivaltips
Using a Tent to Keep Warm Indoors
During a power outage, set up a tent indoors to conserve heat and raise interior temperature
101 Uses for Empty Food Storage Cans
101 Uses for Empty Food Storage Cans « Food Storage and Survival
Toolbox For The Apocalypse - BetterHomestead
Toolbox for the Apocalypse - A complete list of tools you should stock for TEOTWAWKI
Steven Harris FREE Family Prepardness and Emergency Power Classes
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72 Hour Kits and Survival Bags Part 2
"72 Hour Kits and Survival Bags Part 2" Very thorough! -
72 hour kits for kids
72 Hour Kits for Kids!! Tells you what to pack and how to store! #emergency #kits from