Tennis News

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Serena Needs to be Banned
Serena Needs to be Banned. #Serena #SerenaBan #SerenaNews #TennisNews #TennisUpdate #SerenaWilliams #PatrickMouratoglou #Tennis
When Your Luck's In, Your Luck's In
When Your Luck's In, Your Luck's In #Tennis #TennisProducts #TennisEquipment #TennisOnline #OnlineTennisProducts #BuyTennisProductsOnline #BuyTennisProducts
Bankruptcy or Burnouts
It is an important week for the oldest team tennis tournament in the world, as the 118 year old Davis Cup faces a ‘crossroads’ in its future. #Tennis #DavisCup #TennisDavisCup #TennisWorldCampionship #TennisWorldCup #TennisChampionship
Tennis is Not Appealing for Millennials
In recent years there have been many proposals banded around to make tennis more appealing for the modern world. Sets to four, sudden death deuce, shot clocks and eliminating 5 set matches have all been suggested as a way to appeal to a generation of millennial's. This week has seen both Roger Federer and Novak Djokovic weigh in on either side of the debate regarding 5 set matches. #Tennis #AndyMurray #NovakDjokovic #RogerFederer
Serena for the French?
Serena for the French? #Tennis #Serena #SerenaWilliams #frenchopen #FrenchOpen2018 #FrenchOpen2K18 #Grandslam #24thGrandSlam
Review into Tennis Corruption
New Independent Review into Tennis Corruption - a complete shambles!
Seeds Dropping like Flies in Wuhan
Seeds Dropping like Flies in Wuhan | kollectaball
Can the Laver Cup Become the Ryder Cup of Tennis?
Catch any of the Laver Cup this weekend? Do you think it can overtake the...
Top 10 ‘Next-Gen’ Players in bid to make Milan Finals
Top Next Gen Players in bid to make Milan Finals
News, Updates & More...
It’s been a while since the terrible quality of tennis in the romantic comedy of...
Tennis & Golf Ball Picker Upper | Retriever | Collector
Sometimes you've got to follow your dreams!
Grand Slam event hosts 2024 Olympic Games
Look Which Grand Slam Venue will be hosting the 2024 Olympic Games | kollectaball
Andy Murray backs footballer Gerard Pique's tennis 'World Cup' plans
A tennis World Cup organised by Gerard Pique??... Epic