Special Offers

Daytime Office Cleaning
Daytime office cleaning means you get to see your cleaners and ensure that the clean is carried out in a controlled manner. #kingsmaid #kingsmaidcleaning #covid19sanitisation #homecleaning #officecleaning #sanitisation #cleaning #bathroomcleaning #apartmentcleaning
Anti-Viral Products
We have implemented many changes, going above and beyond Government guidelines, to ensure we can safely deliver our service. In fact we are one of the few companies using anti-viral products. #Kingsmaid #OfficeCleaning #HomeCleaning #CleaningCompany
Using anti-viral products
Popular with our customers for frequently touched areas such as door handles, light switches, banisters etc. but can be used in most areas. We have seen a rise in demand for this service recently and the supply of the products we are using is limited, and so the service is available on a first come first served basis. If you wish to take advantage of this service please contact our enquiry team for further information on ad­min@kingsmaid.co.uk #kingsmaid #domesticcleaning #kingsmaidcleaningser
Thorough Christmas clean
Are you moving home, moving in or moving out, or even preparing your home to sell? Then a thorough Christmas Clean from Kingsmaid will leave your home looking sparkling and beautifully tidy. #kingsmaid #domesticcleaning #kingsmaidcleaningservices #cleaningservices #cleaningservicesmanchester #cleaningservicesstockport #domesticcleaningmanchester #domesticcleaningstockport #christmascleaning #christmasclean
We are available to get your home in perfect condition for Christmas.
We are available to get your home in perfect condition for Christmas. 20% off New Regular Gold Crown Service / Up to £60 off a One Off Clean! Get in touch for more information! #kingsmaid #domesticcleaning #kingsmaidcleaningservices #cleaningservices #cleaningservicesmanchester #cleaningservicesstockport #domesticcleaningmanchester #domesticcleaningstockport #christmascleaning #christmasclean
20% off New Regular Gold Crown Service
Special offer! 20% off New Regular Gold Crown Service. Get in touch for more information! #kingsmaid #domesticcleaning #kingsmaidcleaningservices #cleaningservices #cleaningservicesmanchester #cleaningservicesstockport #domesticcleaningmanchester #domesticcleaningstockport #christmascleaning #christmasclean
Time to get your home in beautiful condition for the holidays?
Time to get your home in beautiful condition for the holidays? Look no further. 20% off New Regular Gold Crown Service / Up to £60 off a One Off Clean! Get in touch for more information! #coubroughandco #coubroughandcosalesandlettings #bradfordpropertiesforsale #propertiestorentbradford #Kirklees propertiesforsale #propertiestorentKirklees #bradford #southbradford #Kirklees
Get your home in perfect condition for Christmas Time
Get your home in perfect condition for Christmas time with our domestic cleaning service - new customer offer! 20% off New Regular Gold Crown Service / Up to £60 off a One Off Clean! Get in touch for more
Christmas Clean?
We’re providing Christmas cleans for the holiday season. Getting your home clean and tidy for the festive fun. 20% off New Regular Gold Crown Service / Up to £60 off a One Off Clean! Get in touch for more information!