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The Founders of Sociology by andrej2249 on DeviantArt
Let me indtroduce you the founders of Sociology: Top left - Auguste Comte, Top right - Karl Marx, Bottom left - Emile Durkheim, Bottom right - Max Weber
"Good sociology is sociological work that produces meaningful descriptions of organizations and events, valid explanations of how they come about and persist, and realistic proposals for their improvement or removal." ~ Howard S. Becker and Irving Horowitz. 1972. "Radical Politics and Sociological Research: Observations on Methodology and Ideology," The American Journal of Sociology, See p. 50
Rich Pepperell on Twitter
SOLO task frame. Feel free to copy, use, share - that's the point of me tweeting it #solotaxonomy
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"The function of sociology, as of every science, is to reveal that which is hidden." ~ Pierre Bourdieu [Click on this image to find a bundle of videos and short analyses related to the sociology of Pierre Bourdieu]