Beth Kirk - Steep Bank Ideas

Merging Two Gardens - Apothecary Garden Design by Sue Townsend
The Apothecary's Garden - Sue Townsend Garden Design
Stipa gigantea (9cm pot)
Excellent for the back of the border. Position: full sun Soil: moderately fertile, medium to light, well-drained soil Rate of growth: average Flowering period: June and July Hardiness: fully hardy Arching stems of glistening, golden, oat-like flowerheads above clumps of slender, grey-green leaves. This majestic semi-evergreen grass is an excellent specimen plant for a sunny, mixed or new perennial border. Perfect for introducing movement, it looks stunning under-planted with the rich p
Calamagrostis Acuteflora Karl Foerster | Pack Of 1 | 9cm Pot Grown Plant
Calamagrostis acutiflora Karl Foerster, also known as feather reed grass, is an upright deciduous perennial grass that produces green stems and feathery bronze plumes. This grass is great for adding some architectural interest to your displays throughout summer. Height between 90-180cm. 9cm pot plants supplied.Calamagrostis acuteflora Karl Foerster