All things Easter

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Etwas Farbe drauf, schon wird ein Einweckglas zur niedlichen Bunnyvase.
Diese süße Bunny-Vase machst du ganz schnell selbst! Ein wunderbares Upcycling-Projekt und eine tolle Geschenkidee, nicht nur zu Ostern und im Frühling! #ostern #diy #hase #bunny #vase #geschenk #geschenkidee #blumen #kinder #basteln #selbermachen
How to Knit a Bunny from a Square
These are the easiest knitted bunnies! Learn How to Knit a Bunny from a Square with Video Tutorial by Studio Knit. #StudioKnit #knittingvideo #bunny #knittedsofties #howtoknit
See 12 New Items Giveaways and Victorian Eggs and Arrow Samples!
Pretty plant pokes by Vicki Chrisman made with Crafty Secrets Printable Victorian Floral Easter Eggs double Sheets. Just insert a bamboo skewer, chopstick or branch between the front and back side of the eggs. 18 Eggs total and the 8 large eggs are 4.5" at 300 dpi
love the lord your god - Google Search
What are these cute Easter treats?? I love them! Is this a gift idea, because I think this would be a lovely idea for a neighbor or co-workers.
Cutting Paper Snowflakes
Cutting Paper Snowflakes- tips include stapling layers together and punching holes to give easy access to scissors!