
72 Pins
10 Nonfiction Activity Ideas for Kids
Reading response activities for non-fiction, from Loreen Leedy- need this for some of my "beyond level" kids
Ten Great Creative Book Report Ideas
Here are ten ideas that go way beyond the standard book report. Your kids will love them! We especially enjoyed the scrapbook project - I always get great results with that one.
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Macbeth Poster - this Etsy shop has a ton of awesome literary posters. Hellloooo decorating possibilities.
Oscar Learn, Oscar Teach!
Autobiography Island - Shake up how you get to know your students. could be a good way to introduce a mini lesson/assesment on map skills
Book Report Poster (UPDATED)
Such a fun looking page for the kids to fill out after reading a book!
If you can read this, you're one of the 83 people in the world who can.
Graphic designer Jack Hagley's chart visualizing the world as 100 people. 23 have no shelter, and 13 don't have access to safe water. Seven have a college degree. Five speak English.