Garden fence/wall colours and different fence types

shades we use on fences, willow fencing etc
78 Pins
Woodpecker Designs
A very clean cut, contemporary courtyard garden requiring minimal maintenance but maximum chic from its owners!
Designer | Greater London | Anewgarden
Garden Design London - Anewgarden Decking Paving Design Streatham Clapham Balham Dulwich Chelsea
Schitterende welnesstuin - Hoveniersbedrijf Tim Kok
Simply and stunning - paint your fence and plant buxus and bay trees
wall colour? Designer Paul Hervey Brookes RHS Tatton Park 2015. photo Karen Gimson
Polyvine Metallic Pewter for walls. Jarman Murphy design. Photo Karen Gimson
Wall colour for my potting shed? Designer Paul Hervey-Brookes. RHS Tatton park Show 2015. Photo Karen Gimson
Wall colour? Designer Paul Hervey-Brookes. RHS Tatton Park Show. Photo Karen Gimson
Wall colour? RHS Tatton Park. Designer Paul Hervey-Brooks. Best in show. Photo Karen Gimson
Wall painted in Polyvine Metallic Pewter. Design Jarman Murphy. RHS Tatton Park 2015.
Mouse grey selected. Photo by Karen Gimson Design
Schitterende welnesstuin - Hoveniersbedrijf Tim Kok
Simply and stunning - paint your fence and plant buxus and bay trees