Sustainable Thinking

Optimism, action, workable climate adaptation + regeneration. Nature Based Solutions. Old & New Innovations. Motivation & Inspiration. Brilliant ideas & vision for a sustainable future ~ Acknowledge commitments, urgency & necessary lifestyle changes. Consider the inventions & indigenous wisdom. What opportunities do you see for future generations? Can we realise the magnificence of our beautiful planet earth? Making our impact safer, healthier, protective, proactive? 🌎🌍🌏
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Trees Forever
‘Thinking of planting trees, but need some help? Many native broadleaf trees will grow in difficult areas with little or no fertiliser. Local plants are adapted to local soils and climate and often have lower maintenance requirements…’ Knowledge and advice from the UK's largest woodland conservation charity 🕊️🌿 🌳 🌍
Attention ~ New Book
📒❗️ ‘In order to do anything that matters, we must first be able to give attention to the things that matter. Doing so has never been easy, but lately it’s become harder in new and surprising ways. While we weren’t watching, a next generation threat to human freedom materialized right in front of our noses…’ Full book from
Nature Based Solutions
What are nature-based solutions? ‘Strategic actions that leverage nature's processes to address challenges such as climate change, food and water scarcity, and disaster risks. ‘Necessity is the mother of invention’ Nature is the ultimate inventor when it comes to healing Mother Earth 🌎 Find out more about N.B.S.’s via The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) 🔗
Climate City Planning
‘Urban planning is a powerful tool to tackle the climate crisis and create sustainable, equitable and resilient cities. [This Guide is] a pivotal resource, equipping those responsible for shaping our urban landscapes with the insights necessary to drive sustainable transformation - to adopt integrated, forward-thinking urban planning strategies that prioritise both people and planet.’
Garden City Guides
‘Garden City Standards for the 21st Century: Practical Guides for Creating Successful New Communities ~ Outlining practical steps for all those interested in making 21st-century Garden Cities a reality. Detail & Case Studies on a wide range of key issues, including Planning, Investment, Land assembly, delivery, and long-term Stewardship.’ 🌳🏡 🚴🏾‍♂️ 🌤️🌱
Climate Solutions
“Every bit of warming avoided due to the collective actions pulled from our growing, increasingly effective toolkit of options is less worse news for societies and the ecosystems on which we all depend.” 🌎 Up to date research, findings + plans. Picture 🔗 IPCC Synthesis Report 2023 Intergovernmental Panel on #ClimateChange #Biodiversity #Sustainability #NatureBasedSolutions #Regeneration #ClimateScience #SDGs
Eco Action
💡Sustainable living ideas start in the home and you and yours do make a difference 📚 When you know younger readers who might enjoy this kind of thing ~ Please take a look at our 📌Board: Children’s Natural Wellbeing for more great books that support wellbeing and inspire Nature Connection from an early age.
Sustainable World
‘We are the first generation that can achieve ~ A good life for everyone today + Opportunity for future generations and other species. We Do have the opportunity to build a sustainable world. Environmental data scientist Hannah Ritchie digs into the numbers behind human progress across centuries’ 🔗 to this powerful TedTalk
Climate Cooling
Passive Daytime Radiative Cooling PDRC 🌡️ In a few words: Effectively reflecting heat away! ~ In more complex terms, and with innovations ready for development, it seemed best in this case to share the full Wikipedia entry 📖 as it’s a remarkable opportunity but hasn’t had a great deal of coverage as a climate change innovation. 🌞 Certainly deserves plenty of deep consideration 🌎
Good Green Jobs
‘C40 Cities to drive the creation of 50 million good, green jobs by 2030’ ~ Full story and report via 🔗 There is so much work to be done to build Climate Resilience, Safe & Healthy Communities ~ Innovation & Adaptation Glimpse support this dynamic area of work and development with Effective Self Care & Creative Mindset
Rainwater Harvesting & Regeneration
🌦️ ‘Half-Moon Bunds or Earth Smiles capture rainwater which would otherwise wash away over dry and barren soil. The rain water is slowed down and stored temporarily behind the bund, enabling the water to infiltrate the soil ~ Seeds Still Present In The Soil 🌱 have started to grow, regreening the bunds and the spaces in between. Further destructive erosion by gullies is prevented and even reversed.’ + Find out more about other re-greening, regenerative techniques like Grass Seed Banks & Treecovery 🌳
Hot Buildings ~ Cool Ideas
“A lot of these strategies are about being in touch with nature and understanding how it works” ‘Roofs are one way architects, engineers and designers are rethinking buildings to find ways to keep them cool without air conditioning. The challenge is becoming increasingly urgent.’ | ‘One of the simplest forms of passive cooling makes use of temperature change in the air when water evaporates - it takes energy from the air in the form of heat.’ Exciting BBC Future article 🔗
Healthy Environment
In historic move, UN declares healthy environment a human right. “It will help people stand up for their right to breath clean air, access safe and sufficient water, healthy food, healthy ecosystems, and non-toxic environments to live, work, study, and play.”
Green Lifestyle
🌡️ In the UK about three quarters of the population are worried about Climate Change. And more than 80% of them are making some lifestyle changes to help. We know the BIG stuff needs to be led by governments and industry ~ But! We can also do our bit to make a Real Difference. For ourselves, our communities and our incredible planet 🌎🌍🌏 Find out more about the science behind these Six Key Recommendations in the infographic via the link 🔗
COP29 Parallel Conference
‘A Trauma Informed Approach to climate consciousness and action, acknowledging that trauma lies at the root of our inaction in the face of Climate Change. Trauma symptoms of numbness, apathy, hyper-activation and fragmentation dramatically slow down our ability to respond adequately and implement climate agreements. The summit offers an opportunity to connect with leading trauma psychologists, climate visionaries, indigenous elders…’ FREE Registration & details via the link🔗