Natural Immersion

Nature wants you to step outside. Our constant teacher and greatest ally. Getting into nature instantly lifts wellbeing; broadens focus and re connects ~ Natural Immersion workshops collaboratively share insights + valuable skills in beautiful surroundings. An embodied approach for a safe and healthy planet. Enjoy your local parks and green spaces, for healthier lunch breaks, walking meetings and So much more. Energise. Feel grounded. Love what you do.
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River of Life
Take a very slow journey, float up stream and let go with an artist who wants you to experience the exquisite ‘Ghost’. Adam Chodzko’s ongoing project leaves stress behind and provides a unique point of view…🦦
Light Plants Happiness
Second of our short films celebrate: ⏰ Early morning walks for your circadian body clock. 🌿 Biophilia ~ Care for a plant cutting on your desk? 🐿 Wildlife joy + empathy inspired by animal kingdom 🍂 Noticing the beauty of all the elements. 🙌🏽 Grounding & Earthing ~ Help us feel better. 🌳 Branch out, stretch & ease some tension. 🧠 Love your familiar natural environments. 🕑 2 hours a week outdoors brings rewards. 🪵 Wild crafting respite at any age! (Using felled/salvaged wood*)
Natural Spaces ~ Friendly Faces
‘Focus in this handbook is on the spaces between people and the rest of nature – the relations between human and the more-than-human. We explore how we can help people and nature together by looking to heal the gap between them – a gap that is both psychological and physical.’ Nature Connected Communities Handbook from 🌿
Walks Wonders
Is there such a thing as a perfect walking environment? An accessible, short hike into the wilds to restore harmony for mind, body and spirit? We’d venture to say the quality of Nature Connection and many of the benefits experienced comes back to presence ~ Being in the moments and noticing the abundance of beauty, even within a small park or garden.🌦️ A nature walk after Meditation can be profound. Now lets explore further ideas and research here via best selling Author and Scientist Helen Thomson 👏🏼
Late Summer ~ Early Autumn
Noticing the change of seasons is one of the most profound delights in life ~ An easy rising sense of gratitude and joy. As Autumn approaches the fresh air feels different, smells enticing and carries the leaves, just a few at first falling like light snow. Fresh amber colours appear, brushstrokes of things to come. And of course there are fruits and berries to collect for nourishing, seasonal treats and well needed immunity lifts (Elderberry! ) This is just the Start of that seasonal gift to reward after a patient summer 🍂
Time for Natural Light
Why it can be so helpful, and uplifting, to spend time outdoors during the winter and darker months of the year.
Flower Power
Fighting years of environmental damage and biodiversity loss with a passionate love of nature ~ Sound a bit hippy? Well, when you stop to contemplate the infinite beauty and wonder of the natural world, it helps reignite awareness that we are nature and depend upon it. Trusting feelings of connection, excitement, resourcefulness and awe. A simple action - considerately gathering a few wild flowers to bring into your home, brings tangible joy and peaceful emotions to the surface. 🔗 We Are Nature . Org
True Grit ~ Safer Winter Walks
Enjoying winter walks is something everyone can benefit from. So what happens when you discover a path has become very slippery due to frost, ice or snow? You can help make it safer if you are practical about it ~ Collecting salt/grit from a designated yellow or green bin; using something to scoop a good amount into a carrier bag. Keep your hands covered if possible. Then get sprinkling! ❄️
Savouring the Beauty on Daily Short Walks
‘We can maximize the benefits of the good things around us by consciously savouring them rather than taking them for granted. As you walk, try to notice as many positive things around you as you can. These can be sights, sounds, smells, or other sensations. Pause for a moment as you hear or see each thing and make sure it registers with your conscious awareness, really take it in.’
Orchards Apples Community
This community orchard naturally developed over recent years in Queens Park, Glasgow. With TLC and good knowledge on how best to plant and support saplings, protecting them enough with sustainable timber and dried bramble branches. They’ve blossomed into glorious apple trees with an abundance of fruit for anyone visiting this area of the park! LOADS more information and ideas for developing your own via the link 🔗🍎 + please get in touch at GlimpseMovingWell to book your own Natural Immersion Workshop 🌳🕊️
Winter Wellbeing
Our bodies and minds are naturally affected by the change in weather and low light, yet many of us overlook the significance of seasonal impacts on our lives. We all have a holistic range of needs. For mind and body to work in harmony, especially during challenging winter months, we can harness the very real opportunities all around us. Identifying what helps us feel well.
Nature Connection 📗
‘Whatever our relationship with nature is, we can get closer - notice more, listen more, feel more, enjoy more, and care more. Research shows that the closer we get to nature, the happier we are, the more worthwhile life seems, and the more we are willing to take action to help our wildlife and the environment.’ 🔗The Nature Connection Handbook ~ Produced with the charity Natural England and the University of Derby.