Animals, insects, bugs

Critters: Some unconfirmed sources (need to research)
150 Pins
Pictorial beetle collection of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Chrysochroa buqueti mirabilis - Pictorial beetle collection of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
The Wild World of Butterflies
The elaborately named Orange-spotted Tiger Clearwing has a fittingly elaborate gold pupa from which the winged adult will emerge. The pupa, also called a chrysalis, is the hardened body of the insect, under which enormous physiological changes occur.
During the cold winters, the Alaskan Wood Frog becomes a frog-shaped block of ice. It stops breathing, and its heart stops beating. When Spring arrives the frog thaws and returns to normal going along its merry way. Amazing Animals! Thanks to Amazing Earth
Cuphotes formosus (Thomson, 1859)
Cuphotes formosus
A Madagascan Emperor Moth - Antherina suraka
Antherina suraka Madagascar (Madagascan Emperor moth)
М.Э. Смирнов - фотографии экзотических пластинчатоусых (Scarabaeidae)
Dicronocephalus wallichi Hope
This is an Orange-backed Troupial (Icterus croconotus), one of about 25 species of ‘New World Orioles.
It's enorm-moth! This newly-emerged atlas moth shows off its huge 30cm wingspan
Big moth-er: Butterfly keeper Heather Prince holds one of Chester Zoo's newly emerged Atlas Moths, the largest moth species in the world
Graphocephala - Graphocephala coccinea
Graphocephala coccinea / G. constricta complex