Handley Page 42

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People disembarking from a Heracles aeroplane.
circa 1937: People disembarking from a Heracles aeroplane. (Photo by London Express/Getty Images)
Naomi Watts recreates vintage airline poster
The first British Airways flight between the two countries launched by the airline's predecessor Imperial Airways in conjunction with Qantas Empire Airways
An aircraft captain checking a landing wheel on Scylla, an Imperial...
News Photo : An aircraft captain checking a landing wheel on...
Nervous flyers look away: What air travel was REALLY like in the 1930s
Momentus: The crew of Imperial Airways liner Heracles at Croydon Aerodrome in 1937 before a flight during which the airliner celebrated completing one million miles in service
English designer Norman Hartnell and his group of models prepare to...
1st February 1932: English designer Norman Hartnell and his group of models prepare to board a plane at Croydon Airport, London, en route to a spring fashion show in Paris. (Photo by Fox Photos/Getty Images)
Fwd: British Imperial Airways 1930's
RAF Hendon Airport, London, 1937. Royalty arrives. King George VI, centre, and Queen Elizabeth on aircraft's steps.
Handley Page HP-42 over London . Cruise speed was 100 mph or 87 knots. Maximum speed was 120mph or 104knots. No airline passenger was ever killed in one of these machines - in 10 years of service.
epw037828 ENGLAND (1932). Hotel, terminal building and hangars at Croydon Airport, Waddon, 1932
Hotel, terminal building and hangars at Croydon Airport, Waddon, 1932
Thursday 15th August 1940 - Battle of Britain
Croydon Aerodrome A pilot's loose-leaf chart from pre-war 3rd edition of 'The Air Pilot', the official publication from the Air Ministry. Croydon was Britain's most important international aerodrome, while Heathrow was still a small grass airfield. Latitude 51 deg 21' N. Longitude 00 deg 07' W (so close to the Greenwich meridian). Wallington is to the north-west, central Croydon to the north-east
Croydon Airport Control Tower (Disused) © Brendan and Ruth McCartney cc-by-sa/2.0
Croydon Airport Control Tower (Disused)