Aaaaaaaaaargh! English!

16 Pins
You CAN Live Well for Less – If You’re Not An Idiot!
stinkin colon & semi-colon... I always forget which one of you to use!!!!!!!!
A Collection of Printable Teaching Resources. English, writing resources for schools including posters and worksheets
Free printable grammar terms posters. Each poster includes an explanation of the term and some examples of their uses in sentences. Includes adjective, adverb, verb, noun, pronoun, connective, conjunction, preposition, definite article, indefinite article, adverbial, fronted adverbial, proper noun and article.
Parts of Speech in English | Learn English grammar | What are the parts of Speech? | Woodward English
Parts of Speech in English - nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions and interjections
1000 Life Hacks. May need to know this later on.
1000 Life Hacks. May need to know this later on. by doris
FREE Standard English Grammar Cheat Sheet and Grammar Sort Sheet
FREE Grammar Cheat Sheet - nice...everything on one sheet for quick reference.
You CAN Live Well for Less – If You’re Not An Idiot!
stinkin colon & semi-colon... I always forget which one of you to use!!!!!!!!
Jonathan Gunson. Literacy Advocate on Twitter
More English teacher humor. great female power affirmation tshirt caption, or for men who are willing to be beaten over the head by feminists a great tshirt for men to wind up feminists with by changing the captions around. ahhhh, punctuation , I love it
Grammar Rules to Live By
Being a writer means a certain adherence to grammar rules . Every once in a while, we get to shatter these rules to great effect. Case in po...