216 Pins
Three of a kind...once upon a time I had three Scotties at the same time and I loved it. At the moment I am Scottie-less. A very sad set of circumstances for a Scottie lover! Soon I will be ready for a wee little lass. th
This item is unavailable - Etsy
vintage cast iron scottie dog doorstop by BeautifulLine on Etsy, $95.00
scottie dog scottish terrier marionette puppet hand made in recycled wood | eBay
scottie dog scottish terrier marionette puppet hand made in recycled wood | eBay
The staff of the Scottish Terrier and Dog News has spotted this photo on several Tumblrs, but we can’t seem to locate the orignal. CUTE!
Scottish Terrier
Puppy Breath?
So many Scotties! THis will be me someday
Above the glacier 2
Above the glacier 2 © Lars Odemark / Flickr