
26 Pins
The Running Bug
This 10 minute workout for women will trim inches from your torso, build your upper-body strength, and also build the muscles in the back and shoulders that are responsible for perfect posture. Find a couple of dumbbells (or cans of soup) around your house and get to it!
Mere philosophy will not satisfy us. We cannot reach the goal by mere words alone. Without practice, nothing can be achieved. - Swami Satchidananda 📷 @raeindigoyoga Find Rae's classes on 🎬
Sore Core Tomorrow, the stability ball workout that don't wanna do! BUT when really YOU DO! ||
6 Thigh Exercises for Thighs Like a Dancer - Oh Sweet Basil
6 exercises for thighs like a dancer. I know I won't ever have thighs like those (I didn't after 8 years of dance, at the age of 12, so yeah...that's a for sure thing) but these exercises might help my legs slim down a little.
Scottish Ballet Health & Fitness: Episode 1 - 'Core' de Ballet
Scottish Ballet: Core de Ballet Exercise Series 1 by Scottish Ballet. Tone up with Scottish Ballet’s Core De Ballet, a specialised introduction to core-based ballet exercises. Join Gyrotonics Instructor Kate Menzies and dancers Luciana Ravizzi and Luke Ahmet for a 15-minute exercise routine designed to stretch and tone.
Natalie Portman's Black Swan Workout
-Natalie Portman's Black Swan Workout
6 Barre-Inspired Moves, No Ballet Bar Required
6 toning exercises inspired by ballet .ambassador
SELF Ballet Inspired Workout
SELF Ballet Inspired Workout -&nbspThis website is for sale! -&nbspswamimamiteas Resources and Information.
Target Your Trouble Areas
Get a Badass, Misty Copeland-Inspired Ballet Workout With These 5 Moves
Tone all of your muscles with this ballet-inspired workout