Igor Kufayev Quotes

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Tantric Spiritual & Energy Transmission Teachings
"The most important tool in developing one's light body is meditation." #meditation #kundalni #lightbody #kundalini #Consciousness #Selfrealization #yoga #igorkufayev #Vamadeva #flowingwakefulness
Tantric Spiritual & Energy Transmission Teachings
"Deep within the Consciousness there is enough Light to see the spark of how the new culture has to be formed. It will come naturally." #spirituality #Consciousness #culture #meditation #kundalini #igorkufayev #Vamadeva #flowingwakefulness
Tantric Spiritual & Energy Transmission Teachings
"One of the best places to enter meditation is through the nostrils where the cosmic breath becomes individualized. It's the area where Consciousness becomes physiology." #physiology #Consciousness #kundalini #spirituality #yoga #Tantra #meditation #breath #igorkufayev #Vamadeva #flowingwakefulness
Tantric Spiritual & Energy Transmission Teachings
"The moment we realize that there is no moment but one uninterruptedflow of Awareness inseparable from our experience, we become One with that flow." #igorkufayev #Vamadeva #spirituality #Awareness #Oneness #kundalini #consciousness #meditation #flowingwakefulness
Tantric Spiritual & Energy Transmission Teachings
"Wherever our attention goes, is an act of worship – knowingly or unknowingly." #igorkufayev #Vamadeva #spirituality #attention #worship #kundalini #consciousness #meditation #flowingwakefulness
Tantric Spiritual & Energy Transmission Teachings
"The inner path of Tantra is the path of alchemy." #igorkufayev #Vamadeva #spirituality #Tantra #alchemy #kundalini #consciousness #meditation #flowingwakefulness
Tantric Spiritual & Energy Transmission Teachings
"The heart is where Christ left his most healing touch." #igorkufayev #Vamadeva #spirituality #Christ #Heart #healing #kundalini #consciousness #meditation #flowingwakefulness
igorkufayev-vamadeva.com -&nbspIgor Kufayev Vamadeva Resources and Information.
"The continuity is impossible... in order for something to come into being, something has to die." #igorkufayev #Vamadeva #spirituality #death #birth #kundalini #consciousness #meditation #flowingwakefulness
igorkufayev-vamadeva.com -&nbspIgor Kufayev Vamadeva Resources and Information.
"Perception is often programmed by the shared archetypal imagery. Yet Christ Consciousness is our innermost reality. I bow to the Christ within you." #igorkufayev #Vamadeva #spirituality #ChristConsciousness #kundalini #consciousness #meditation #flowingwakefulness
igorkufayev-vamadeva.com -&nbspIgor Kufayev Vamadeva Resources and Information.
"True spiritual progress is measured only by our deeds, by the state of our heart in relation to everyone else, in relation to all those we live with." #igorkufayev #Vamadeva #spirituality #heart #kundalini #consciousness #meditation #flowingwakefulness
igorkufayev-vamadeva.com -&nbspIgor Kufayev Vamadeva Resources and Information.
"Our evolution can only be measured by the degree with which we are willing to sacrifice ourselves." #igorkufayev #Vamadeva #Self #sacrifice #Brahman #evolution #spirituality #kundalini #consciousness #meditation #flowingwakefulness
igorkufayev-vamadeva.com -&nbspIgor Kufayev Vamadeva Resources and Information.
"When you taste the sweetness of your own Heart, you will no longer by subject to any obsessions or any indulgences." #igorkufayev #Vamadeva #Self #Heart #spirituality #ananda #kundalini #consciousness #meditation #flowingwakefulness
igorkufayev-vamadeva.com -&nbspIgor Kufayev Vamadeva Resources and Information.
"Perception is not a passive affair, we mold our reality by the way we perceive it."
igorkufayev-vamadeva.com -&nbspIgor Kufayev Vamadeva Resources and Information.
"For the true artist there is no ugly. Ugly is the other side of Beauty." #igorkufayev #Vamadeva #Self #Beauty #art #kundalini #consciousness #meditation #spirituality #flowingwakefulness
igorkufayev-vamadeva.com -&nbspIgor Kufayev Vamadeva Resources and Information.
"In meditation the limited sense of individuality is poured into the Self." #igorkufayev #Vamadeva #Self #Offering #kundalini #consciousness #meditation #flowingwakefulness