
57 Pins
pinned for Scott C. Believing in Miracles....our Mighty God is so Awesome
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Fairy Art Print Celtic Irish Fairy with Flowers. $12.00, via Etsy. See the artists website here: http://www.etsy.com/shop/sarambutcher?ref=seller_info
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In LOVE! I have done a few baby quilts with Mary's faries. Night Fairies Fabric Panel 110cm x 60cm by atelier608 on Etsy, $20.00
Fairy Silhouette Art Print - Etsy
Butterfly Fairy Wings...Peyton picked this as her favorite Fairy!
Rosenberry Rooms
Garden Fairy Girls Vintage Wall Art - My girls have this in their room! <3 Looks just like them.
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Alphabet Fairies Collage Sheets. Cute!
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✮✮“Feel free to share on Pinterest" ♥ღ www.unocollectibles.com
Snowdrop Flower Fairy Vintage Print 1930's Cicely Mary Barker, Spring Fairy, Book Plate, Nursery Decor, Wall Art, Decoration. - Etsy
Flower Fairy by Cecily Barker. Would like a set of "spring" and "autumn" fairies. (again on matching sized canvasses.) WINTER
fairy wings. these are thing wings i'm trying to make. they look realistic and have a clear straps. so theres no ribbion or an awkward bunch of flowers in the center of your back. you actually look like a fairy.
Fairie Dust! Cut glo stick, pour into a jar, add glitter, seal and shake! Voilà.... Fairie dust!♥
Tinker Bell -- Peter Pan (^.^) Thanks, Pinterest Pinners, for stopping by, viewing, re-pinning, following my boards. Have a beautiful day! ^..^ and “Feel free to share on Pinterest ^..^ #fairytales4kids #elfs #Fantasy