Mantra : Strength

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Just a friendly reminder that positivity is a mindset not an emotion. You can choose it at any time. . . . This brand new print is now in the shop! Use code anniversary till March 1 to get 25% off your order!
Letting go of toxic people in my life was hard but I've embraced it. I've tried for many years to save people that didn't want to save themselves, and instead, kept digging the hole even deeper. Just because they're miserable with their lives does not mean you have to keep taking their shit. Know your worth when it comes to friendships and relationships. Know when to say ENOUGH! If they're not willing to grow up, doesn't mean you have to lower yourself to their level. Let them keep creating ...
Someone told me today to do what makes me happy? It was almost a moment of clarity because in that moment I broke down crying because I went to flashbacks thought all of my life at what used to make me happy. This is what I discovered: Family: There used to be a day when I thought my family was all I needed. That made me smile.But all of that unfortunately has come to an end. Somewhere along the way we forgot to be a family. We just become blood relatives. My true family is the entrepreneurs an
'No Words, Quote It' Building,creating,strong, positive,independent,women.. One quote at a time♡