Beauty of the Green Earth

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Biodynamic Garden -This is an excellent plan!!! - Today's Gardens
Unusual Crochet
Lichen It! de Carol Hummel au Nature Unframed du Morton Arboretum. Photo par Michael Kappel.
Virgo New Moon: Skillful Synthesis - Jacqueline Lasahn
“If you will stay close to nature, to its simplicity, to the small things hardly noticeable, those things can unexpectedly become great and immeasurable.” Rainer Maria Rilke quote #simplelife #simplicity #smallthings #astrology #virgo #naturequote #closetonature #naturequotes #seeds #tiny #air
5 Plastic Straw Alternatives to Use Right Now
After decades of being slipped into to-go cups without a second thought, the tides have turned on single-use plastic straws. Increasing awareness about plastic pollution has made them a target to be eliminated, and for good reason.