Autumn Garden Plants

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Japanese Anemones Autumn Garden
An Autumnal garden must have! Japanese Anemones are low maintenance, easy-care plants that can thive in part shaded borders and can even tolerate a bit of clay! There are a wide range of varities generally in tones of white and pink, all providing a marvel of colour usually from mid summer to late autumn. Pictures: 'Frilly Knickers,' 'Serenade' and 'Prince Henry'
Pansy Ruffles Soft Lavender Autumn Plants
We've had a number of beautiful pansy varieties in this season, from our 'Ruffles' range soft lavender has to be one of our favourites! We'll post images of the other colour ways in our Autumn Garden Plants Board to see what you think!
Hydrangea paniculata Vanille Fraise
We love unusual plants, this Hydrangea Paniculata variety is no exception! Flowers emerge later in the summer and throughout autumn turn a vibrant warm pink - reminiscent of strawberry ice cream! A hardy decideous shrub that will reach heights of 2m! Creating a wow factor for your part shade to sunnier border this autumn.
Salvia greggi 'Icing Sugar'
Salvia's are essential perennials for a herbaceous border, with non-stop flowering from May to November they make for low maintenance favourites! (For bees and gardener's alike!) We particularly like this unusual coloured variety 'Icing Sugar' the name matches the blooms perfectly.
Hydrangea quercifolia 'Tara' Autumn Garden
Versatile, rare and unusual, Hydrangea querc 'Tara', bred originally in the USA, brings us the first oak leafed Paniculata. The beautiful foliage is followed by incredibly dense flower panicles. growing only to 125cm high makes it a great choice for container gardens. Plus it's hardy down to -25c!
Amazing Autumn Asters
An autumn favourite you can't escape this time of year! Asters illuminate your garden borders and containers from summer to as late as november. A welcome feast for pollinators later in the year. Some of our favourites are varieties like 'Purple Dome,' 'Fellowship,' and 'White Ladies'
Pansy Ruffles 'Wine' Autumn to Spring Plants
We've had a number of beautiful pansy varieties in this season, from our 'Ruffles' range, here are the rest of the colours, let us know what you think!
Perfect Persicaria Autumn Garden
Whilst most varieties of Persicaria start flowering in the summer, blooms can continue to prolifically flower well into October time! A wonderful hardy perennial that is great for visiting pollinators. Plus! The Low growing heart shaped foliage also create interesting ground cover.